search little winter bride

Friday, October 14, 2011


I love the idea of vintage fur or faux fur caplets but it's sometimes a different story when it's on a real human being, it can make one look like a dressed up cuddly animal from the wild. Not to mention, the weight of the fur can add extra layers, one might not need or desire.  So, if you're a regular reader of LWB you might have seen a link on my "little weekly finds" last week to what appears to look like a fancy, smancy fur caplet. However, I'm afraid not all love this style. Too fur sweatshirt? (esb, love how you come up with this stuff). Now looking at it,  I have to sort of agree but then I remembered the winter bride pictured above from an old NYmag weddings issue and I have to say, she certainly pulls of the fur sweatshirt look. Quite chic, no? 
Fur not your thing?
Don't fret,  here are a few wool, caplets with a contemporary twist that I found on ArtLab.

(image barnaby drapper, bride pictured in a mink caplet)


east side bride said...

is this a fur, or is it wool??

didi said...

fur. caption in mag says, mink caplet.
ya or nay for ya? I mean she does look super sharp in it but then again she has a modelesq physique to pull it off...